The Woods
"...signature touch and creative preservation..."
The site for this residential development is 150-acres of suburban wooded land. Young + Dring envisioned a distinctive neighborhood and assisted the developer in recognizing that the land's natural attributes add value to the development while creating an exceptional product in the marketplace. Aligning roadways in harmony with the site by minimizing grading and preserving trees, they established a central parkway as the primary organizing element. The lots were similarly articulated, respecting major stands of mature woods. The primary design goal: preserve the 100 year old trees and create a neighborhood that appears to have been established for decades. Young + Dring developed strict design standards, and for eight years participated on the design review committee to oversee all aspects of design including architecture, landscape and construction. Amenities include a recreational trail through the woods; lush plantings along the parkway consisting of more than 1,300 trees of various species; and fieldstone walls meandering through the development. Reflecting the vernacular landscape, the stone was reclaimed from a 150-year old wall and feature exquisite craftsmanship. At the entrances to the award winning project, Young + Dring designed the weathered steel sculptures as signature elements.